Last Friday, I met with my garden friend Stacy and our friend, a garden designer Geneylle. Our conversation about seeds and plants left me so excited about possibilities. It is below freezing today but I see lavender and hollyhock and zinnias filling the parts of the yard currently occupied by English Ivy and honeysuckle. I used to like these plants but since moving to Sag Harbor where they infest, strangle and overwhelm all other vegetation, I abhor them.
Just a bunch of squiggles on a piece of white paper, each filled in with the name of a plant that I love gives my heart such hope. Looking at the pictures in the catalogs, placing x marks next to possible purchases lifts my spirits. I feel giddy creating something new and beautiful. This must be how God felt creating the universe. After all, the Bible records that God said "it is good" after each new creation.
I know this delight planning how we will grow food and flowers on our small plot of land.
Blessings, Karen