Monday, February 28, 2011

The Church is Not Obsolete

The Church, the Body of Christ is not obsolete. Perhaps it is our buildings and our own needs which are obsolete. On NPRs "On the Media" they interviewed a New York Times editor who studied which stories were read and passed on to friends. The stories which were thought worthy of passing along by e-mail were awe inspiring. This should be the Churches territory! We have The Creation, the resurrection, Christ's loving transformative power to offer the world!

We nice regular church goers have left the awe out of our worship. We prefer music and and prayers and sermons that don't rock the boat. We have put the Holy Spirit in a prison of tameness. We like our fires confined to fireplaces. Marrianne Mix said that if we truly believed in the Holy Spirit we would see her like molten lava that destroys and builds up.
Those who came before us were so excited, so awe inspired that they couldn't wait to tweeter, e-mail, and shout the Good News of the love of Jesus the Christ.

Blessings, Karen